The Do's and Don'ts of Cleaning Grout

ADVANCED Sealers and Cleaners Blogger • Jan 25, 2023

Are you wondering how to properly clean your home's grout? Read here for the biggest do's and don'ts of cleaning grout.

cleaning grout

Do you have tile floors scattered throughout your home? If you do, cleaning the grout in between your tiles is going to be of the utmost importance.

It doesn't matter how nice your tiles might look after you clean them. If you aren't cleaning grout regularly, it's going to get discolored and drag down the appearance of your tiles.

Cleaning your grout isn't going to be the most fun job in the world. But grout cleaning will brighten up your floors and make them look incredible.

We've put together a list of do's and don'ts for cleaning grout that will get your tile floor cleaner than ever before. Check them out below and use them the next time you find yourself cleaning the floor in your home.

Do: Sweep Tile Floors as Often as Possible

One of the best parts about having tile floors in your home is that they'll be extremely easy to clean. As long as you sweep dirt, dust, and other debris off of them every so often, they should continue to look like new for years to come.

But if you don't make it a point to sweep your tile floors at least once every couple of days, dirt can begin to settle in your grout and stain it over time. It's why you should make it your mission to sweep your tile floors as often as you can.

The simple act of sweeping your tile floors will work wonders for both the tiles themselves and the grout in between them. You won't have to worry about constantly cleaning grout when you're always sweeping your tile floors.

Don't: Let Stains Set in Grout

If you ever spill anything on your home's tile floors, you shouldn't let whatever it is sit on them for too long. Spills might do damage to the tiles themselves, and they might also cause stains to set into the grout in between them.

Anything with an especially high acidity can really do a number on your grout if you aren't careful. This includes things like grease, alcohol, and tomato sauce.

You should wipe up any spills that occur on your home's tile floors ASAP to stop them from staining your grout. By getting to spills quickly, you can make life easier on yourself when it comes to cleaning grout and tiles.

Do: Use the Right Grout Cleaning Products

No matter how hard you might work to sweep your tile floors and stop stains from setting into your grout, there will be times when the grout in your home will get dirty. When this happens, you should pull out the right grout cleaning products.

A gentle dish soap and warm water should do the trick on most grout stains. But you might also want to get your hands on more heavy-duty products if that doesn't get stains out of grout.

Don't: Try Cleaning Grout With Harsh Chemicals

If you have stains in the grout for your tile flooring that won't come out with gentle dish soap, you might be tempted to reach for things like baking soda, bleach, and other aggressive cleaning products.

At first, it might appear as though these types of products will work wonders for your grout. But they can actually do more harm than good when it comes to grout and leave it looking worse for wear over the years.

Steer clear of using any cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals in them. They can wreak havoc on your grout and make you wish you'd thought twice about using them.

cleaning grout tips

Do: Utilize Soft Cloths on Grout

Regardless of which cleaning products you use on the grout in your home, you should always aim to wipe your grout down with soft cloths. These soft cloths will be able to get your home's grout clean without wearing it down.

You might think that your home's grout is tough enough to handle whatever you might throw at it. But if you use anything other than soft cloths to wipe grout down, it could potentially put it into harm's way. Being gentle with your home's grout will be the key to keeping it clean.

Don't: Subject Your Grout to Abrasive Scrubbers

If you're having a really hard time cleaning your grout, you might get the urge to reach for things like abrasive scrubbers and sanders. It might seem like they'll be the only things that can eliminate tough stains.

But the problem with these kinds of cleaning tools is that they can remove the surface level of your grout and weaken it. This can lead to your grout cracking and breaking down on you much quicker over time.

As we alluded to a moment ago, you'll be so much better off sticking with soft cloths when you're cleaning grout. They aren't going to do damage to your grout like other cleaning tools will.

Protect the Grout in Your Home With Our Grout Sealer

Do you wish there was a way to avoid going through the process of cleaning grout all the time? ADVANCED Sealers and Cleaners can provide you with a special grout sealer that will stop stains from setting into your home's grout.

This spray-on grout sealer can be used on the grout in between the tiles found in floors, walls, backsplashes, and more. It's easy to apply and will stop grout from becoming discolored and/or stained for a long time.

Are you interested in learning more about this grout sealer, or do you have questions about any of the other cleaning and sealing products we sell? Contact us now to speak with a representative.

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